Communi  3.5.0
A cross-platform IRC framework written with Qt
Namespaces | Classes

Miscellaneous utility classes for common IRC client related needs. More...


 Module meta-type registration.


class  IrcCommandParser
 Parses commands from user input. More...
class  IrcCommandQueue
 Provides a flood protection queue for commands. More...
class  IrcCompleter
 Provides command and name completion. More...
class  IrcLagTimer
 Provides a timer for measuring lag. More...
class  IrcPalette
 Specifies a palette of IRC colors. More...
class  IrcTextFormat
 Provides methods for text formatting. More...

Detailed Description

In order to enable the module, add the following lines to your qmake project (.pro) file:

CONFIG += communi
COMMUNI += core model util

This sets up the necessary include paths and linker rules in order to use the module.

IrcUtil depends on IrcCore and IrcModel