Communi  3.3.0
A cross-platform IRC framework written with Qt
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CIrcAccountMessageRepresents an account notify message
 CIrcAwayMessageRepresents an away message
 CIrcBufferKeeps track of buffer status
 CIrcBufferModelKeeps track of buffers
 CIrcCapabilityMessageRepresents a capability message
 CIrcChannelKeeps track of channel status
 CIrcCommandProvides the most common commands
 CIrcCommandFilterProvides an interface for filtering commands
 CIrcCommandParserParses commands from user input
 CIrcCompleterProvides command and name completion
 CIrcConnectionProvides means to establish a connection to an IRC server
 CIrcErrorMessageRepresents an error message
 CIrcInviteMessageRepresents an invite message
 CIrcJoinMessageRepresents a join message
 CIrcKickMessageRepresents a kick message
 CIrcLagTimerProvides a timer for measuring lag
 CIrcMessageThe base class of all messages
 CIrcMessageFilterProvides an interface for filtering messages
 CIrcModeMessageRepresents a mode message
 CIrcMotdMessageRepresents a message of the day
 CIrcNamesMessageRepresents a names list message
 CIrcNetworkProvides network information and capability management
 CIrcNickMessageRepresents a nick message
 CIrcNoticeMessageRepresents a notice message
 CIrcNumericMessageRepresents a numeric message
 CIrcPaletteSpecifies a palette of IRC colors
 CIrcPartMessageRepresents a part message
 CIrcPingMessageRepresents a ping message
 CIrcPongMessageRepresents a pong message
 CIrcPrivateMessageRepresents a private message
 CIrcProtocolImplements the IRC protocol and provides means for implementing support for custom protocols
 CIrcQuitMessageRepresents a quit message
 CIrcTextFormatProvides methods for text formatting
 CIrcTopicMessageRepresents a topic message
 CIrcUserKeeps track of user status on a channel
 CIrcUserModelKeeps track of channel users
 CIrcWhoisMessageRepresents a reply message to a WHOIS command
 CIrcWhoReplyMessageRepresents a reply message to a WHO command
 CIrcWhowasMessageRepresents a reply message to a WHOWAS command